Monday, January 10, 2011

If you like wild game

Another restaurant we visited while in Texas offered some unusual food to an old Indiana gal like me. It was called Fuddrukkers and they served wild boar, elk, buffalo, & ostrich among other things.


  1. I personally am not much of a wild game eater. I tried Elk & Moose when in AK. And of course at home in IN I have tried rabbit, squirrel and deer. I just can't find enjoyent in eating the little dears. LOL!
    So what did you try and what did you think? Sounds expensive. Was it?

  2. Lol I had the sweet potato fries and mozzerella sticks. But Ed had the buffalo.

  3. I'd eat there, just for the name alone! I think that the last unusual thing in the lines of "game" that I've eaten was turtle. Brian's mom fixed it in a slow cooker and it wasn't too bad. My grandmother used to fry it in a cast iron skillet and the nerve endings in the muscles would make the meat twitch. For a little kid, that was kinda freaky and disgusting, all rolled into one!
