Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A picture speaks a thousand words

This picture hangs on the wall by my recliner and has since Tori was in second grade. She drew this picture for us on "Grandparent's Day" at her school. I've studied it over the years and noticed that she really got us captured as if her mind was a camera. Look at my curly hair (which is no longer curly) Our glasses, Ed's beard and the way we have flowers, trees, & leaves floating above our heads. (and maybe a few butterflies) lol


  1. <3 it! It's a true masterpiece and I'm sure you'll treasure it always...

  2. That portrait of you and Ed is truly more meaningful and valuable than any Monet could possibly be!

    P.S. Why isn't your hair curly anymore? I've noticed that and always forget to ask.

  3. LUV it! I treasure my things the boys made when they were little. I still have a box of stuff I'll keep forever. I dig it out sometimes and go through it. Always brings a tear to my eye. Yeah, I am sentimental like that. :)
